Inspire Others
We do our best to share inspirational stories that make you say, “My Scouts would love to do that!” Now, you can inspire that same feeling in others.
We’re sure that your unit has some fun-filled adventure planned. Help your pack, troop, crew, or ship appear in a story that the entire Council will read.
Tell us about any activity — large or small. Anything involving Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA members, Ship crews, Explorers, or Venturers having fun and growing as young adults is fair game.
Mountain-biking to No-Be-Bo-Sco? Hiking the Appalachian Trail? Visiting an historic site? We want to hear the details: who, what, when, where, why, and how.
Council staff will personally review each and every submission, and our Marketing committee will reach out if there is a chance your event might interest local news reporters.
Submitting ideas is easy. Just fill out the form below.